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Text File | 1993-08-04 | 34.8 KB | 676 lines | [TEXT/EDIT] |
- ########## ########## ########## |
- ########## ########## ########## | MEGATRENDS OR MEGAMISTAKES?
- #### #### #### | What Ever Happened to
- ######## ######## ######## | the Information Society
- ######## ######## ######## | (Part 1)
- #### #### #### |
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- =====================================================================
- EFFector Online December 17, 1992 Issue 4.01
- A Publication of the Electronic Frontier Foundation
- ISSN 1062-9424
- =====================================================================
- What Ever Happened to the Information Society?
- (Part 1 of 2 Parts)
- by Tom Forester, Senior Lecturer,
- School of Computing & Information Technology,
- Griffith University, Queensland, Australia
- What ever happened to the Information Society? Where is the
- Information Age? What, indeed, happened to the "workerless" factory,
- the "paperless" office and the "cashless" society? Why aren't we all
- living in the "electronic cottage," playing our part in the push-
- button "teledemocracy" - or simply relaxing in the "leisure society,"
- while machines exhibiting "artificial intelligence" do all the work?
- Remember when the microchip first appeared on the scene in the late
- 1970s and we were told that social transformation was inevitable?
- Remember the Siemens report, which allegedly predicted that 40 per
- cent of office jobs would soon be sacrificed to the "job destroyer"?
- And the plan by one Dutch political party for a new tax on
- automation? Remember, indeed, the US Senate committee report which
- earnestly discussed the social implications of a 22 hour work week by
- 1985 and retirement at age 38?
- Recall, too, how we have been regularly assaulted with trendy buzz-
- words and ugly acronyms by market researchers and computer vendors
- over recent years, promising us that the videodisc, the video
- telephone, electronic mail, teleconferencing, videotex, desktop
- publishing, multimedia, ISDN, EDI, OSI, MIS, EIS, EFT-POS, RISC,
- CASE, MAP, JIT, CIM, CD-ROM, DAT and HDTV would be the next "hot"
- product and/or the wave of the future and/or actually deliver the
- long-awaited productivity pay-off from the huge expenditure on
- information technology (IT)?
- The truth is that society has not changed very much. The microchip
- has had much less social impact than almost everyone predicted. All
- the talk about "future shocks", "third waves", "megatrends" and
- "post-industrial" societies must now be taken with a large pinch of
- salt. Life goes on for the vast majority of people in much the same
- old way. Computers have infiltrated many areas of our social life,
- but they have not transformed it. Computers have proved to be useful
- tools - no more, no less. None of the more extreme predictions about
- the impact of computers on society have turned out to be correct.
- Neither Utopia nor Dystopia has arrived on Earth as a result of
- computerization.
- In this address, I will first compare some of the intended
- consequences of the IT revolution predicted by the pundits with what
- has actually happened in important areas of society - especially in
- the workplace and at home. After this review, I will look at some
- tentative explanations of why so many technology forecasters seem to
- have got things hopelessly wrong. I will then review some of the
- unintended consequences of the IT revolution, which weren't predicted
- by the pundits. These include: the new social problems of unreliable
- software, computer crime, software theft, hacking, the creation of
- viruses and the invasion of privacy; and some psychological problems
- associated with computer-based communication technologies - who could
- have foreseen, for instance, that today we would be discussing why
- some executives have become "communicaholic" mobile phone users,
- "spreadsheet junkies", "electronic mail addicts" and "fax potatoes"?
- I will conclude with some brief comments about the relationship
- between humans and technology, arguing that we need to reassert the
- primacy of human values.
- Since so many of the early predictions about the social impact of IT
- envisaged dramatic reductions in the quantity of paid employment
- and/or large increases in the amount of forced or unforced leisure
- time available to the average person, work and leisure would seem an
- appropriate starting point for an assessment of the actual social
- impact of IT.
- First, the microchip has not put millions of people out of work
- - although it is steadily eroding employment opportunities. Mass
- unemployment has not occurred as a result of computerization chiefly
- because the introduction of computers into the workplace has been
- much slower and messier than expected - for a variety of financial,
- technical and managerial reasons. In some companies, computerization
- has actually been accompanied by increased levels of employment.
- Unemployment may be regarded as unacceptably high in many OECD
- countries, but economic recession and declining competitiveness are
- mostly to blame. However, many manufacturers now have an active
- policy of 'de-manning': when and if economic growth does return to
- its former levels, labour will not be taken on pro rata and increased
- investment in IT may actually reduce the number of jobs available.
- There is also concern about the service sector's continuing ability
- to create jobs and a growing realisation that the high-tech sector
- itself will remain small relative to total employment.
- Second, the vast majority who are in the workforce appear to be
- working harder than ever. There is very little sign of the "leisure"
- society having arrived yet! According to one survey, the amount of
- leisure time enjoyed by the average US citizen shrunk by a staggering
- 37 per cent between 1973 and 1989. Over the same period, the average
- working week, including travel-to-work time, grew from under 41 hours
- to nearly 47 hours - a far cry from the 22 hours someone predicted in
- 1967! (Gibbs 1989). Note that these increases occurred just as
- computers, robots, word processors and other "labour-saving" gadgetry
- were entering the workplace. Moreover, the proportion of Americans
- holding down a second job or doing more work at home has been
- increasing, due to inflation and other pressures on the domestic
- standard of living. Much the same sort of thing appears to be
- happening in European countries like Germany, where weekend working
- has been resumed in some industries, and in Australia, where 24-hour
- working has been re-introduced, for example, in the coal industry.
- The Japanese, of course, continue to work longer hours than almost
- everybody else and rarely take more than very short holidays.
- We are still awaiting the "workerless", "unmanned" or "fully-
- automated" factory. The "factory of the future" remains where it has
- always been - somewhere in the future. Take industrial robots, for
- example: analysts confidently predicted that the US robot population
- would top 250,000 or more by 1990. The actual figure was 37,000 - and
- some of these had already been relegated to training centres and
- scrap metal dealers (Kilborn 1990). Worldwide robot sales actually
- peaked in 1987 and have been going downhill ever since, primarily
- because users have found that the care and feeding of robots is more
- costly than that of people. General Motors wasted millions on
- premature robotization and robot makers have gone bust all over the
- place - victims of their own exaggerated claims. Even CNC (computer
- numerically controlled) machine tools, which have been around for
- some time, are not as widely used as might be expected: one study
- found that only 11 per cent of machine tools in the US metalworking
- industry were CNC; 53 per cent of the plants surveyed did not have
- even one automated machine! (Harvard 1988).
- While the robot revolution has been stalled, other panaceas such as
- "FMS" (flexible manufacturing systems) and "CIM" (computer-integrated
- manufacturing) have been stillborn. FMS has rarely progressed beyond
- the "showcase" stage and has proved to be an expensive headache for
- those few companies who have tried it in a real commercial
- enterprise. CIM remains a direction or a dream: connecting up all
- the "islands" of automation is taking much longer than expected.
- Full implementation of CIM would require the encoding of all relevant
- management expertise into decision-making devices which would then
- control fault-free machines without human intervention - this seems
- somewhat unlikely in the short term. MAP (manufacturing automation
- protocol) was supposed to be the breakthrough which would enable
- machines to "talk" to each other, but it was slow to catch on and it
- has been overtaken by a number of other incompatible, competing
- protocols like OSI. In general, manufacturers have had to revise
- their automation strategies - steady upgrading seems to have replaced
- the 1980s concept of total automation.
- The "paperless" office now looks to be one of the funniest
- predictions made about the social impact of IT. More and more trees
- are being felled to satisfy our vast appetite for paper, in offices
- which were supposed by now to be all-electronic. In the US, paper
- consumption has rocketed 320 per cent over the past 30 years, ahead
- of real GDP which has gone up 280 per cent (Tenner 1988). In absolute
- terms, this means that US consumers gobbled up about 4 trillion pages
- of paper last year, compared with only 2.5 trillion in 1986 - about
- the time that word processors and personal computers were becoming
- really popular. The two most successful office products of recent
- times - the photocopier and the fax machine - are of course enormous
- users or generators of paper, while technologies which do not use
- paper - such as electronic mail and voice mail - have been slow to
- catch on. The overall market for "office automation" equipment is
- not as strong as it was in the 1980s, but sales of desktop laser
- printers are booming - and of course they also consume vast amounts
- of paper. EDI (electronic document interchange) might help reduce
- paper consumption in the future, but it will be some time before it
- becomes a significant force.
- Despite the huge increase in telephone usage and the existence of
- electronic mail and videotex, old-fashioned surface mail - much of it
- paper-intensive "junk" mail - is still growing in volume in most
- industrial countries. Paper-using "junk faxes" are also on the
- increase. Banks still rely on paper to a surprising degree, despite
- EFT (electronic funds transfer) and plastic transaction cards. A
- recent IBM study estimated that 95 per cent of information in
- business enterprises is still in paper form (Markoff 1988). It has
- also been suggested (Business Week, 3 June 1991) that only 1 per cent
- of all the information in the world is stored on computers. The US
- Pentagon recently declared "war" on paper: apart from the normal
- paper problems of all unwieldy bureaucracies, the Pentagon now has to
- cope with the huge amounts of documentation which go with complex
- high-tech weapons systems. For example, a typical US Navy cruiser
- puts to sea with no less than 26 tonnes of manuals for its weapons
- systems - enough to affect the performance of the vessel! (Seghers
- 1989).
- While with hindsight it was perhaps unreasonable to have expected
- that automated factories and offices would be a reality by now, are
- we at least moving in right direction? Surely the huge amount of
- spending on IT equipment has had some positive impact, particularly
- on productivity? Unfortunately, the studies available all indicate
- that the productivity pay-off from IT has been somewhat slow in
- coming - in fact, it is hard to detect any pay-off at all! This
- certainly appears to be the case in manufacturing. In the service
- sector, including banking and commerce, education and health care,
- productivity seems actually to have declined in recent years
- (although this conclusion is apparently based on aggregate figures
- which would appear to mask what has been achieved in individual firms
- and organisations).
- There are many possible explanations for this apparent paradox: the
- favourite is that there is a "learning curve" associated with IT.
- Thus it will be some time before we - and in particular, IT managers
- - learn to use the stuff properly. Typically in offices, potential
- productivity gains are frittered away through computer glitches, the
- excessive re-drafting of documents, endless retraining, idle chatter
- and even game-playing: in one recent survey of 750 US executives, 66
- per cent of respondents said that they regularly used their computer
- for playing games - this did not include playing around with
- spreadsheets and the like (Fortune, 5 June 1989). Half of these
- actually admitted to playing games in office hours - in fact, this
- recreation activity was overwhelming preferred to lunchtime drinking
- and intra-office sex (which is, of course, very tricky in modern,
- open-plan offices).
- One of the most pervasive myths of the IT revolution is that large
- numbers of people will "soon" be working from home, shopping from
- home and banking from home. The appealing notion of the "electronic
- cottage" was first made popular by writers such as Alvin Toffler (who
- gave a new verb to the English language - to "toffle", as in
- "waffle"). The general idea was that the Industrial Revolution had
- taken people out of their homes - and now the IT revolution would
- allow them to return. It has since become a recurring theme in the
- literature on the social impact of computers and has become firmly
- implanted in the public consciousness as an allegedly widespread
- social trend.
- The only problem with this attractive scenario is that it is not
- happening. There is very little evidence to suggest that increasing
- numbers of people are working from home full-time, although some
- professionals are doing more work at home using their "electronic
- briefcase". Most surveys would seem to indicate that only about 10
- per cent of the total workforce in the US and Europe work from home
- full-time on a variety of tasks, just as they have always done.
- Despite some well-publicized high-tech homeworking experiments -
- which have typically been on a small scale and have usually been
- abandoned after a while - the number of actual "telecommuters" who
- use IT equipment to process and transmit their work rather than
- physically commute to work remains very small. One authority who has
- studied telecommuting for the best part of a decade recently
- concluded that it is "not a significant phenomenon"(Olson 1989).
- The reasons why high-tech homeworking has not taken off are
- instructive. Proponents have glossed over basic problems like the
- space constraints in most houses and apartments, the fact that there
- are not many occupations which can be carried on at home and the
- managerial problems faced by the employers of homeworkers. But most
- important of all, the technocrats who have advocated increased
- telecommuting as a possible solution to traffic congestion and air
- pollution have seriously underestimated the human or psychological
- problems of working at home. Almost without exception, high-tech
- homeworkers report a host of problems such as increased family
- conflict, neighbourhood noise, loneliness, inability to divide work
- from leisure, workaholism, stress and burnout - I should know, I
- worked from home full-time for seven years whilst bringing up a young
- family and experienced most of them! (Of five other homeworkers I
- followed in the UK, only one continued to work at home on a long-term
- basis.)
- If relatively few people will be working at home in years to come,
- will more people be staying at home and using IT-based gadgetry for
- entertainment purposes, to access videotex information services, and
- to bank, shop and even vote from their living rooms? Certainly, the
- 200 million VCRs sold worldwide cannot be ignored, nor can current
- sales of CD players, camcorders, video games consoles and other
- consumer electronics goods. But in general the evidence of increased
- participation to date is not encouraging and as Schnaars (1989)
- points out, some famous market research firms have consistently
- overestimated the market for home banking, shopping and information
- services.
- Fewer than 1 per cent of US households use any kind of videotex
- information service, even though it was predicted in 1980 that 5 per
- cent of all US households would be hooked up by 1985 (Brody 1991).
- Britain's Prestel still languishes with a small and declining user
- base. Even videotex boosters now admit that information services
- offering such things as constant news and weather updates, current
- stock prices and flight times are likely to have only limited appeal.
- Moreover, videotex is not easy to use, it is slow and it is
- inflexible. It is also costly and most consumers have been unwilling
- to pay for mere information. The only videotex system in the world to
- attract a mass audience is the French Minitel system which boasts
- about 2.5 million terminals. But even in the case of Minitel, there
- are signs that the novelty of, for example, exchanging sexy messages,
- is wearing thin.
- Home banking has failed to take off in the US and Europe. The two
- most successful US experiments were the Bank of America's service in
- San Francisco (with 15,000 claimed customers) and the Chemical Bank's
- Pronto system in New York (a reported 21,000 subscribers), while the
- Verbraucher Bank of Hamburg, Germany, claimed the most subscribers in
- the world (50,000) for its service. But these totals were a far cry
- from the massive numbers envisaged when the services were launched in
- the early 1980s. Chemical Bank closed down Pronto in 1988. Several
- small-scale experiments in the UK went nowhere. There is talk in
- Japan of home banking being re-launched using the millions of
- Nintendo consoles in Japanese living rooms, but basically home
- banking must be deemed a flop. Home banking has two basic drawbacks:
- it can't be used for cash transactions and most consumers don't do
- enough banking to justify the initial costs or recurring charges.
- Quite simply, it's not very useful and customers aren't demanding it.
- Indeed, the continued importance of cash in the "cashless" society we
- were promised is another great paradox of the IT revolution. ATMs
- (automated teller machines) have become very popular with consumers -
- precisely because they dispense cash. Despite plastic cards and EFT-
- POS (recently abandoned in New Zealand), the number of bank notes in
- circulation shows no sign of diminishing - and in Australia, for
- example, is in fact increasing in line with GDP.
- Home shopping or teleshopping has also failed miserably. The most
- famous home shopping schemes were Knight-Ridder's Viewtron experiment
- in Florida, Times-Mirror's Gateway service in California and Centel's
- Keyfax service in Chicago. Many saw Viewtron as the pioneer and it
- was heavily promoted. Users could shop, bank, catch up with the news
- and access databases without leaving their living room. But Knight-
- Ridder managed to sign up only 5,000 customers and Viewtron was shut
- down in 1986 after losing an astonishing $50 million (Zinn 1989).
- Attempts to get home shopping going in the UK were also unsuccessful.
- Home shopping failed because of practical problems such as
- complicated on-screen instructions, difficulties over payments,
- problems with delivery times and a lack of choice of products. It
- also failed to meet the psychological needs of shoppers: many people
- enjoy shopping, especially the social aspect. Shopping offers people
- the chance to get out of the house, to perhaps bump into friends and
- to re-acquaint themselves with their local community.
- Likewise, suggestions by, for example, Toffler, Naisbitt and Williams
- that the IT revolution would lead to "push-button voting", to the
- holding of "electronic town meetings" and the creation of a
- "teledemocracy" have proved to be wide of the mark. Despite
- increased access to information and communication technologies,
- electoral turnout in the US and most other Western democracies
- continues to decline. Arterton (1987) recently looked at 13 major
- "teledemocracy" experiments in the US and found that their impact on
- political participation levels was only marginal because of the
- powerful forces working against increased involvement - chiefly the
- fact that people are so bombarded with media messages that they
- actually absorb less and less. Teledemocracy is unlikely to cure
- America's severe turnout problem, let alone lead to a transformation
- of the political system.
- Thus it seems that many commentators have overestimated the capacity
- for IT-based gadgetry to transform domestic lifestyles. The argument
- that developments in consumer electronics, computers and
- telecommunications will dramatically alter the nature of economic and
- social activity in the home is not supported by the available
- evidence. Despite the arrival of microwaves, food processors, VCRs,
- CD players, big-screen TVs, answering machines, home faxes, word
- processors and portable phones, home life remains basically the same.
- Moreover, a succession of revolutionary "homes of the future"
- incorporating various "home automation" systems have been built in
- the US and Europe in recent decades, but by and large they have left
- consumers cold. A recent UK study found that people could do with a
- few extra warning lights and such on their cookers, but they were not
- bothered about home robots, futuristic wall-based screens, home
- terminals and automated lighting systems.
- The same sort of miscalculation has been made in relation to schools.
- There is as yet not much sign of the "classroom revolution" taking
- place and the idea of human teachers being replaced by automated
- teaching machines still sounds just as fanciful as it always did. A
- recent OTA (Office of Technology Assessment) report in the US pointed
- out that classrooms have changed very little in the last 50 years -
- unlike, say, offices or operating theatres. Despite a huge influx of
- personal computers into US schools, there is still only one for every
- 30 pupils on average (OTA 1988). But even this expenditure is being
- queried by some educationalists, who argue, among other things, that
- more money should be spent on books and better teachers rather than
- computers, that much educational software is trivial and of limited
- educational value, that the use of computers in class tends only to
- have a short-term novelty value and that the whole notion of
- "computer literacy" does not stand up to close examination (eg,
- Rosenberg 1991).
- Obviously those industry analysts, forecasters, academics and writers
- who have made predictions in the past which have turned out to be
- completely wrong do not tend to publicize their own mistakes, let
- alone examine in public just where and why they went wrong. But
- recently two writers have attempted to explain why so many technology
- forecasts go awry.
- Schnaars (1989) re-examined major US efforts to forecast the future
- of technology and found they had missed the mark not by a matter of
- degree, but completely. For example, top scientists and leading
- futurists in the 1960s had predicted that by now we would be living
- in plastic houses, travelling to work by personal vertical take-off
- aircraft, farming the ocean floors and going for holidays on the
- moon. Robots would be doing the housework, working farms, fighting
- wars for us, and so on. The best result of these forecasts was a
- success rate of about 15 per cent. Most others failed miserably -
- chiefly, says Schnaars, because the authors had been seduced by
- technological wonder. They were far too optimistic both about the
- abilities of new technologies and the desire of consumers to make use
- of them. The forecasts were driven by utopian visions rather than
- practicalities and hard realities. An especially common mistake of
- the 1960s predictions was to assume that existing rates of
- technological innovation and diffusion would continue. Schnaars thus
- comes to the astonishing conclusion: "There is almost no evidence
- that forecasters, professionals and amateurs alike have any idea what
- our technological future will look like."
- Likewise, Brody (1988a, 1991) went back and looked at the forecasts
- made by leading US market research firms about the commercial
- prospects for robots, CD-ROMs, artificial intelligence, videotex,
- superconductors, Josephson junctions, gallium arsenide chips, and so
- on. In almost every case, he found that the market researchers had
- grossly exaggerated the market for each product, sometimes by a
- factor of hundreds. The main reason for this appallingly low level
- of accuracy was that the researchers had mostly got their information
- from vested interests such as inventors and vendors. A second lesson
- was that new technologies often did not succeed because there was
- still plenty of life left in old technologies. Consumers in
- particular were loathe to abandon what they knew for something that
- offered only a marginal improvement on the old. Predictions based on
- simple trend extrapolation were nearly always wrong and forecasters
- often neglected to watch for developments in related fields. They
- also failed to distinguish between technology trends and market
- forecasts and they greatly underestimated the time needed for
- innovations to diffuse throughout society.
- (Part 1 of 2 Parts. Part 2 will be published in EFFector Online 4.2)
- ===========
- Opening Address to International Conference on the Information
- Society, Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute / Green Meadow Foundation,
- Zurich, Switzerland, 18 November 1991
- ===========
- -==--==--==-<>-==--==--==-
- alpha: It compiles!
- beta: It runs on Joe's machine.
- gamma: It runs on Kate's machine, too.
- delta: It runs on the network.
- epsilon: It's stopped running on Kate's machine.
- zeta: It runs on all machines, but Report crashes.
- eta: It crashes with HIMEM.SYS.
- theta: It crashes without HIMEM.SYS.
- iota: It crashes with a serial printer.
- kappa: It works! But the spec has changed.
- lambda: It runs, but mysteriously at half the speed of before.
- mu: It crashes the network.
- nu: It crashes Kate's machine with HIMEM.SYS, Joe's without.
- xi: It runs, but the printout is garbage.
- omicron: As above, but crashes after printout sometimes.
- pi: It sometimes crashes.
- rho: Kate thinks it works, but it turns out she's running lambda.
- sigma: No luck yet.
- tau: Aha, sorted out the printout.
- upsilon: Nearly there -- jus tneed to tidy up the help text.
- phi: It won't run at all on anything.
- chi: Yippee! It runs perfectly on all the machines in the world.
- psi: It runs on all the machines in the world except tat idiot's
- from Basingstoke with the customised Amstrad and DOS 4.01.
- omega: It won't compile.
- -==--==--==-<>-==--==--==-
- Mitchell Kapor, Chairman and President of the Electronic Frontier
- Foundation (EFF), today explained several organizational moves and
- initiatives approved by the EFF Board at its November 10, 1992 meeting in
- San Francisco. According to Kapor, "they are designed to increase our
- effectiveness in making EFF into a national public education, advocacy,
- membership, and chapters organization that represents and serves our
- growing constituency on the electronic frontier."
- Berman Becomes Acting Executive Director
- Kapor stated that "Jerry Berman, who currently heads our
- Washington Office, has been designated by the EFF board to serve
- as the interim Executive Director of EFF with present overall
- responsibility for managing the activities of our Cambridge and
- Washington, D.C. offices. In this capacity, he will oversee EFF's public
- policy, membership, and chapter building activities."
- Berman said: "I am delighted to be working with Cliff Figallo, our
- Cambridge Office Director and the entire EFF staff and Board. In the next
- two months we will be making a concerted effort to develop a plan to make
- EFF into a more effective and powerful public interest organization."
- Chapters Summit
- On January, 23 and 24, 1993, EFF will hold a "chapters summit" in Atlanta,
- Georgia. Dave Farber, EFF Board Member, stated that the
- meeting would be "an open, candid sharing of views about chapter
- relations with EFF and EFF's relations with chapters with the goal of
- making the chapters an integral part of the EFF mission." The
- meeting is being organized by a steering committee made up of Cliff
- Figallo, Jerry Berman, Dave Farber and representatives from
- chapters and potential chapters including Mitch Ratcliffe and Jon
- Lebkowsky .
- (More)
- Mitchell Kapor to Chair EFF Board and Oversee Critical Policy Studies
- and Initiatives
- Mitchell Kapor, who serves as Chairman of the EFF Board, has
- turned over management functions to Berman and Figallo to devote
- his energy and talents to developing EFF strategy and public policy
- initiatives, such as a pragmatic program for achieving an open
- broadband communications network and an exploration of the
- potential role of the cable television network in serving as a
- interactive, multimedia electronic communications highway. Kapor
- will also continue to lead EFF's current public policy initiative to
- develop a near term digital path to the home designed to maximize
- free speech, innovation, and privacy.
- Permanent Executive Director
- The EFF Board, once it has developed and approved an overall
- strategic plan in January, will proceed with an open search for a
- permanent Executive Director for the organization.
- -==--==--==-<>-==--==--==-
- Dr. Ross Alan Stapleton posted a portion of the remarks made at
- yesterday's economic summit in Little Rock (12/14/92).
- Here's a little more to get a flavor possible future policy debates.
- ALLEN (AT&T): A focus on infrastructure including information networks,
- commercial networks which are interconnected, interoperable, national
- and global, needs to be encouraged.... I think the government should
- not build and/or operate such networks. I believe that that private
- sector can be and will be incented to build these networks, to enhance
- them and to make it possible for people to connect with people and people
- with information any place in the world.
- I do think, however, that the government role can be strong in the
- sense of first increasing investment in civilian research and
- precompetitive technologies. Secondly, supporting the effective transfer
- of that technology to the private sector. Thirdly, establishing and
- promulgating technical standards, which are so important to be sure that
- networks and devices work together and play together....
- VP-Elect Al GORE: I fully agree when it comes to conventional networks and
- the new networks that your industry is now in the process of building.
- But with the advanced high-capacity networks like the NREN, it does seem
- to me that government ought to play a role in putting in place that
- backbone. Just as no private investor was willing to build the interstate
- highway system but once it was built, then a lot of other roads connected
- to it. This new very broadband network, most people think ought to be
- built by the federal government and then transitioned into private
- industry. You didn't mean to disagree with that view when you said
- government shouldn't play a role did you?
- Allen: Yes, I may disagree.
- President-Elect CLINTON: I was hoping we'd have one disagreement.
- -==--==--==-<>-==--==--==-
- "As life moves to this electronic frontier, politicians and
- corporations are starting to exert increasing control over the
- new digital realm, policing information highways with growing
- strictness. Before we even realise we're there, we may find
- ourselves boxed into a digital ghetto, denied simple rights of
- access, while corporations and government agencies make out their
- territory and roam free. So who will oppose the big guys? Who's
- going to stand up for our digital civil liberties? Who has the
- techno-literacy necessary to ask a few pertinent questions about
- what's going down in cyberspace? Perhaps the people who have been
- living there the longest might have a few answers."
- --Mark Bennett
- -==--==--==-<>-==--==--==-
- If you support our goals and our work, you can show that support by
- becoming a member now. Members receive our bi-weekly electronic
- newsletter, EFFector Online, the @eff.org newsletter
- and special releases and other notices on our activities. But because
- we believe that support should be freely given, you can receive these
- things even if you do not elect to become a member.
- Our memberships are $20.00 per year for students, $40.00 per year for
- regular members. You may, of course, donate more if you wish.
- Our privacy policy: The Electronic Frontier Foundation will never, under
- any circumstances, sell any part of its membership list. We will, from
- time to time, share this list with other non-profit organizations whose
- work we determine to be in line with our goals. If you do not grant
- explicit permission, we assume that you do not wish your membership
- disclosed to any group for any reason.
- ---------------- EFF MEMBERSHIP FORM ---------------
- Mail to: The Electronic Frontier Foundation, Inc.
- 155 Second St. #41
- Cambridge, MA 02141
- I wish to become a member of the EFF I enclose:$__________
- $20.00 (student or low income membership)
- $40.00 (regular membership)
- $100.00(Corporate or company membership.
- This allows any organization to
- become a member of EFF. It allows
- such an organization, if it wishes
- to designate up to five individuals
- within the organization as members.)
- I enclose an additional donation of $
- Name:
- Organization:
- Address:
- City or Town:
- State: Zip: Phone:( ) (optional)
- FAX:( ) (optional)
- Email address:
- I enclose a check [ ] .
- Please charge my membership in the amount of $
- to my Mastercard [ ] Visa [ ] American Express [ ]
- Number:
- Expiration date:
- Signature:
- Date:
- I hereby grant permission to the EFF to share my name with
- other non-profit groups from time to time as it deems
- appropriate [ ] .
- Initials:
- Your membership/donation is fully tax deductible.
- =====================================================================
- EFFector Online is published by
- The Electronic Frontier Foundation
- 155 Second Street, Cambridge MA 02141
- Phone: +1 617 864 0665 FAX: +1 617 864 0866
- Internet Address: eff@eff.org
- Reproduction of this publication in electronic media is encouraged.
- Signed articles do not necessarily represent the view of the EFF.
- To reproduce signed articles individually, please contact the authors
- for their express permission.
- =====================================================================
- This newsletter is printed on 100% recycled electrons.